Indeed Custom Login Theme Page for WordPress is a great plugin that will allow you to customize the default WordPress page (found at With Custom Login Theme plugin you will be able to integrate your design into the log in page provided by default with WordPress.
There are a total of 11 sections you can setup for your template theme with over 46 individual options for login page. You can change the background and color of the entire login page, change the default WordPress Logo and it will automatically replace the link to You can set a background image and color to the entire box (that includes the logo, the login form, the links to forgot password, and return to your website). Change the background image or color for the actual login form. change the style (size, color, bold and italic attributes) for the labels of each element (links, input fields, submit button).
One of the most important feature of the Indeed Custom Login Theme Page is the ability to store multiple templates. With this feature you can store for example the template for the login page for special occasions (like X-mas, or Easter, or Fashion Week).
List of Features
- Full Custom Content additional on Login Page
- Social Media and Email Contact Links
- Background image URL for the entire page
- Background image for the entire page repeat options
- Background image for the entire page position vertical and horizontal
- Background color for the entire page
- Background image URL for the center box
- Background image for the center box repeat options
- Background image for the center box position vertical and horizontal
- Background color for the center box
- Background image URL for the log in form
- Background image for the log in form repeat options
- Background image for the log in form position vertical and horizontal
- Background color for the log in form
- Logo URL
- Text color for the Username and Password fields’ labels
- Bold option for the Username and Password fields’ labels
- Italic option for the Username and Password fields’ labels
- Size option for the Username and Password fields’ labels
- Background color for the Username and Password fields
- Text color for the Username and Password fields
- Bold options for the Username and Password fields
- Italic option for the Username and Password fields
- Text Color for the Remember me label
- Bold option for the Remember me label
- Italic option for the Remember me label
- Text size for the Remember me label
- Background color for the Submit Button
- Background Hover (mouse over) color for the submit button
- Text color for the submit button’s label
- Text hover color for the submit button’s label
- Bold option for the label of the submit button
- Italic option for the label of the submit button
- Text size for the label of the submit button
- Text color for the footer links
- Text hover color for the footer links
- Bold option for the footer links
- Italic option for the footer links
- Text size for the footer links
- Background color for the info message
- Border color for the info message
- Text color for the info message
- Bold option for the info message
- Italic option for the info message
- Text size for the info message
- Background color for the error message
- Border color for the error message
- Text color for the error message
- Bold option for the error message
- Italic option for the error message
- Text size for the error message