Team Showcase for Visual Composer is the best well made and up to date Plugin built to create unlimited Teams with special design and multiple options.
Team’s Features
- Fully Visual Composer Compatible
- 10 Predefined Responsive Themes
- Grid Showcase
- Slider Showcase (multiple features)
- Filter Showcase
- Inside Page
- Custom Link for each Member
- Author Latest Post related
- Fully Responsive&Retina Ready
- Special Colors
- Multi-Language
- Skill Bars – dynamic loading
- Social Icons
- Multi-Groups
- Multiple Ordering
- Unlimited Team Members
- CSS3 Effects
- Animation In/Out Slider
- Widget Ready
- Multiple Slider Pagination Themes
- and many others features…
Team Showcase for Visual Composer is the perfect WordPress plugin build to display and manage your team and clients as a responsive grid or as a dynamic slider. You have multiple special themes and effects that will help you to show your team in so many different ways.
You can manage your members by grouping into separate teams. With Team Showcase – Visual Composer Plugin for WordPress you can display your team without any line of code. All you need to do is to selecti your desired options to display, pick a favorite theme and select a predefined color. Choosing the right color scheme for your team section of your website was never easier.
WordPress Team Plugin – 10 Special Themes
We have built different responsive themes ready to display your team on any resolution and device. The themes are mobile ready and can be changed very easy. More templates will be released in the future.
You can suggest a theme and we will take care of your wish.
WordPress Team Plugin – 10 Color Schemes
We have set 10 Color Schemes that are both edgy and appealing. Try them all. Use the one you like best and fit for your team.
WordPress Team Plugin – 10 Display Options
Pick individual fields for each team group. You can display and activate the Full Name, the Social Media, Skills and the Personal Information. You can add description on each member’s team including a custom content.
Slider Showcase
You have 10 features to build your desired team slider. All the options are very easy to change and user friendly. Display your team as a carousel slider with some transition effects and nav buttons.
Other WordPress Team Plugin Features:
- Slideshow options
- Inside Team’s member Page ready
- Responsive & Columns structure
- CSS3 Effects
- Teams Management
Over all
Team Showcase for Visual Composer plugin is the most complete plugin on the market. With so many options your Team Showcase will be unique and special.